Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for ParentSquare
Maintenance was completed successfully.
Posted Sep 08, 2023 - 21:55 PDT
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Sep 08, 2023 - 21:30 PDT
We will be performing maintenance on Friday, September 8 from 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM Pacific Time.

Our engineers expect interruptions to be limited to 5 minutes, but we are reserving additional time for troubleshooting.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 16:48 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Web Application, Texts, Emails, Phone Calls, Smart Alerts, Auto Notices, Smart Sites, Data Sync, Support Systems, iOS and Android Mobile Applications, and Social Network Sharing.